PORTISHEAD | PORTISHEAD Desktop Theme v1.0A (TRUE COLOR THEME) Put together by Simon Hon Install: =========================================================================== 1) Create a subdirectory in your theme directory. Ex. C:\program files\plus!\themes\portishead\ 2) Extract contents except for "hatten.ttf" to the directory created above. Extract the font file "hatten.ttf" to your windows fonts directory. 3) Choose "other" in the Control Panel > Desktop Themes > pulldown menu. 4) Go to the directory which you extracted the theme to. 5) Select "portishead p.theme". 6) Have a look. 7) If you like it, press ok. 8) If you don't like it, too bad, you can delete the subdirectory you created in the first step. 9) Giddi up! (Done) Wallpaper Resolution: ========================================================================== 1) If you are running @ 800x600 no problems. 2) If you are running @ 1024x768 slow down, you'll pass out. Continue. 3) Edit the "Portishead P.theme" file with a text editor. 4) Find the wallpaper portion, and change the file to "pthd wallpaper 1024.jpg" 5) Reload the weapon, or I'm sorry the theme. Notes: =========================================================================== -This theme is designed for non-commercial reasons and as freeware. -Use and distribute the theme freely for personal use. -Any attempt to make $$$$ dollars, money, mulla, off this stuff would infringe on copyright laws. Punishable by death, no wait, punishable by national and international copyright laws. -This theme is provided as it is. Simon Hon disclaims all other warrentees. That is, if anything happens as a result of this theme, it's not my fault. -Last but not least, enjoy it for what it is. INFO or in other words OTHER NOTES: ============================================================================ I created this theme because PORTISHEAD, gives me the shivers when I hear them. They have 2 albums, Dummy and Portishead. This theme is based only on the PORTISHEAD album. Music that is so sound should be heard by all. In any event you bloody well hate it, well, the world is what you make of it isn't it. For more information on Portishead zap to www.portishead.co.uk If you have any comments and suggestions on the theme, you can reach me @ simhon@mbnet.mb.ca If you have read all this, you are one wired, not wierd, person. Have some fun, and get away from the computer.